Animal welfare certification

European Union certification mark
Mark which can be exploited by any person respecting approved specifications, which establishes a system of control.

Demand meat from well treated animals.
Ready to pay more.
Cannot find desired information on meat products.
Want to reassure consumers and value their products.
Scandals cost them: money, credibility and pride in their profession.
Neither do their income allow them to live decently nor to invest for the benefit of their livestock animals
Animal Protection Associations 
Demand continual progress in how to consider, apply and measure livestock welfare.

A certification mark belonging to an animal protection association which,
thanks to specifications by sector,
independent certifying bodies,
product / service labeling
and positive communication,
will objectively inform consumers about progressive farmers actions
in favor of animal welfare 
while promoting consumer awareness
that without farmers fair income and valorization of their efforts
there will be no sustainable improvements to the quality of life of livestock animals
neither will we succeed in adopting different sustainable production models.
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